Glasgow Data Analytics – COVID19 Case Study

April 4, 2023

Project Overview

Glasgow’s ERDF 8th City Data Analytics team has combined data with analytics to develop an innovative service focusing on the welfare of those self-isolating due to COVID-19.

The project delivered immediate support to call handlers with real-time daily data used to contact residents. A longer-term sustainable solution was also developed via an App to manage the process and enable support staff to access necessary data about isolating residents in real-time and with minimum input.

Why is it needed?

COVID-19 presented Glasgow City Council (GCC) with unprecedented challenges regarding provision of services in the city – with some having to be withdrawn, others re-designed, and yet more to be created almost from scratch.

One of the priority areas was to support those identified through the Test & Protect programme as being in self-isolation, ensuring that they were still receiving important

services and, in particular, prioritizing support to those identified as being more vulnerable, such as those shielding and in receipt of income related benefits. This was also a priority given the roll-out of a support Grant to those who might lose income due to being asked to self-isolate.

Impact and Benefits

The Centre for Civic Innovation and Corporate Data Team worked at pace using data science and digital development skills to deliver a solution that improved a manual and cumbersome process.

The project proved that data analytics and digital product development could be combined to deliver a service at pace that supported service improvements for residents during a crisis.

Investment in cutting edge data science resources including Microsoft Azure tools and the use of ‘R’ yet again illustrated the value to the Council of supporting data analytics solutions.

The best evidence of the impact of the project is through the testimony of those using the technology to support customers. One of the call handlers noted that

…”before the implementation of the solution, my role felt quite complex … the app has taken away the worry and the administrative burden that was previously quite time consuming. It really has allowed my role to focus on the customer, and ensuring they receive the best service from the Council…

For more information:

Stephen Sprott, Principal Officer, Strategic Innovation & Technology, Glasgow City Council –