Given its strategic position on Scotland’s east coast, its manufacturing history and knowledge-driven economy, Dundee is ideally situated to support investors and entrepreneurs via the availability of competitive land, buildings, infrastructure, physical environment and a supportive planning regime.
On top of this, Dundee is leading the way in net-zero and decarbonisation projects across the sector, which ticks the box for many investors, developers and businesses’ growing environmental, social and governance (ESG) requirements and alignments.
Dundee came together to tackle climate change and The Dundee Climate Leadership Group was formed to provide active leadership on the city’s net-zero challenge and chaired by the University of Dundee. Their operating principles are to work within the objectives of the Dundee Climate Action Plan and the strategic vision of Dundee Partnership (Community Planning Partnership) with targeted themes of Decarbonising heat, transport and Construction & Retrofit.
The Council declared a Climate Emergency in June 2019, recognising the seriousness of the environmental, social and economic challenges accelerated by climate change. As a response, Dundee Climate Action Plan, led by Dundee City Council and co-designed with over 50 public, private and community organisations, has been established. The plan will be delivered through the 64 actions across 4 strategic themes – Energy, Transport, Waste and Resilience – which have been identified to reduce emissions and adapt to a changing climate.
The plan aims to achieve two key goals:
In line with the Dundee Climate Action Plan, some of the Council’s decarbonisation credentials are as below.
Port of Dundee, offshore renewables and decommissioning
Port of Dundee plays a vital role in supporting the net-zero transition of the economy by encompassing traditional oil and gas capability to support low carbon sectors including offshore wind and wave and tidal.
Forth Ports Ltd has invested over £40m to improve facilities at the port to ensure they are capable of meeting the demanding requirements of both existing and emerging markets.
Port of Dundee Infrastructure Masterplan includes:
Fabrication, de-commissioning and re-commissioning facilities are available at Port of Dundee.
Current and future offshore wind farm projects around Dundee Port are:
Other key site development opportunities in Dundee, which benefit from the city’s net-zero initiatives and infrastructures, are as follows:
Claverhouse Industrial Park is an established business location adjacent to the A90 motorway. It provides excellent links to the Scottish motorway network as well as the Kingsway bypass through Dundee, and benefits from Enterprise Zone status.
East: 140 acres of high amenity industrial parkland
West: 5.6 acres of warehouse and industrial use area
Linlathen Strategic Development Area comprises 121-acre land located to the north east of Dundee, close to the A92 route between Dundee and Arbroath.
Dundee offers a unique opportunity for investors and entrepreneurs to undergo a conscious economic growth by taking tangible actions to materialise the city’s climate plans. The city has continuously demonstrated its commitment to improving net-zero and climate change credentials, which will help guarantee the sustainable future of the city, businesses and its residents.
Caroline Morgan
Lead Officer, Energy and Business Development,
Dundee City Council
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Goal 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
Goal 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
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