
Outplay Entertainment

Why invest in Dundee? The story of Outplay Entertainment Founded in 2010,… View Article

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ONE CodeBase

ONE CodeBase: A Digital Ecosystem in the heart of Aberdeen. The first… View Article

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Advanced Manufacturing

Advanced Manufacturing Advanced manufacturing refers to the use of cutting-edge skills or… View Article

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High-speed internet provider Briskona locates in Stirling Family-run company Briskona, which offers… View Article

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Green investment portfolio: helping Scotland transition to a net-zero economy

Investors are being invited to get behind more than £1 billion of… View Article

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New accelerator established to drive hydrogen innovation

New accelerator established to drive hydrogen innovation. The Scottish Government is investing… View Article

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Council acts on sustainable vision for meadowbank

Steps are being taken to realise an ambitious vision for Edinburgh’s flagship… View Article

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EY launches Scotland attractiveness survey 2020

Scotland increased inward investment in 2019 at a faster pace than the… View Article

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Innovating with data across the public sector – a scottish cities perspective

The ‘Scotland’s 8th City: The Smart City’ ERDF Strategic Intervention is an ambitious programme… View Article

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Innovating with data across the public sector: stirling – smart energy

STIRLING: SMART ENERGY WHAT IS IT? The innovative Smart Energy project, an… View Article

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Innovating with data across the public sector: perth – high street insights

PERTH: HIGH STREET INSIGHTS WHAT IS IT? Tackling the challenge of the… View Article

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